Forwarding a Job/Process in the Data Sheet Via the Header
Ron has just edited the data sheet fields for the current workflow step and the data sheet is still open. He now wants to transfer the job to another person or department. He sees the Complete button right after saving the changes in the header of the open data sheet and knows that he can use it to switch to the next workflow step. He clicks on the button to forward the job to the responsible colleagues.
In the header, click on Complete.
The Complete workflow step dialog box opens.
Optional: Enter a comment for the assignee.
The assignee receives an e-mail and system notification. The comment is also displayed on the data sheet in the Comments tab in the main job discussion and in the sidebar.
Click on
You have forwarded the job to the next workflow step. As a rule, another colleague or a group will take over the processing of this workflow step. The new assignee is notified by the system via e-mail. There is also a notification with the same content under the bell icon in the module navigation at the top right. You can view the content of your notifications by clicking on the bell icon in the upper right-hand corner of the module navigation.